Monday 9 July 2012

Pawan Kalyan T-20

Power Star pawan kalyan is going to show his bat power and his batting skills in Vizag for the sake of charity.Reportedly Pawan Kalyan is getting ready to kick-start the Upcoming star 20-20 cricket event on Vizag on July 16.Since Gabbar Singh stars supported the idea of donating the proceeds of the 5 hours celebraty events to the blind,the differently abled,orphans and the elderly at the stadium itself.He is trying to spare day from his busy schedule."It is purely for charity",the sources say from the team.Apart from Pawan Kalyan,others like nani,sharwanandh,Ninti,Allari Naresh,Tarun and Srikanth will fight for the title after playing two matches each.To add glamour to the event,organizers have approached Charming girl Charmi,Sizzling Shriya ,priyamani and Radhika Sharth Kumar.
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